Research output |
[Updated: 20200422] |
This page lists the various scribblings and babblings to have emerged from my research activities. |
Co-edited book |
- Borgwaldt, Susanne R., & Joyce, Terry (Eds.). (2013). Typology of writing systems (Benjamins Current Topics 51). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
[BCT51: Originally published as special issue of Written Language & Literacy (2011, V14:1)]
Co-edited special issues |
- Borgwaldt, Susanne R., & Joyce, Terry (Eds.). (2011). Typology of writing systems [Special issue]. Written Language & Literacy, 14(1). [WLL V14:1]
- Cahill, Lynne, & Joyce, Terry (Eds.). (2017). Orthographic databases and lexicons [Special issue]. Written Language & Literacy, 20(1). [WLL V20:1]
- Joyce, Terry, & Crellin, Robert (Eds). (2019). Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?) [Special issue]. Written Language & Literacy, 22(2). [WLL V22:2]
- Joyce, Terry, & Roberts, David (Eds.). (2012). Units of language - units of writing [Special issue]. Written Language & Literacy, 15(2). [WLL V15:2]
Book chapters |
- Joyce, Terry. (2004). Modeling the Japanese mental lexicon: Morphological, orthographic and phonological considerations. In S. P. Shohov (Ed.). Advances in Psychological Research: Volume 31 (pp. 27-61). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.

- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Lexical association network maps for basic Japanese vocabulary. In Vincent B. Y. Ooi, Annie Pakir, Ismail Talib, Lynn Tan, Peter K. W.Tan, & Ying Ying Tan, (Eds.). Words in Asia cultural contexts [Proceedings of the 4th Asialex conference, 1-3 June 2005] (pp. 114-120). Singapore: Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, & Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.

- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Constructing a large-scale database of Japanese word associations. In Katsuo Tamaoka, (Ed.). Corpus studies on Japanese kanji (Glottometrics 10) pp. 82-98. Hituzi Syobo: Tokyo, Japan and RAM-Verlag: Lüdenschied, Germany.

- Masuda, Hisashi, & Joyce, Terry. (2005). A database of two-kanji compound words featuring morphological family, morphological structure, and semantic category data. In Katsuo Tamaoka, (Ed.). Corpus studies on Japanese kanji (Glottometrics 10) pp. 30-44. Hituzi Syobo: Tokyo, Japan and RAM-Verlag: Lüdenschied, Germany.

- Joyce, Terry, & Miyake, Maki. (2008). Capturing the structures in association knowledge: Application of network analyses to large-scale databases of Japanese word associations. In Antonio Ortega & Takenobu Tokunaga (Eds.). The 3rd International Conference on Large-scale Knowledge Resources (LKR 2008) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). (pp. 116-131). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

- Miyake, Maki, & Joyce, Terry. (2008). Analysis of the semantic network structure of Japanese word associations: An investigation of clustering granularity with two extracted sub-networks. In Kazuo Shigemasu, Akinori Okada, Tadashi Imaizumi, & Takahiro Hoshino (Eds.). New Trends in Psychometrics (Frontiers Science Series 55). (pp. 273-280). Tokyo: Universal Academy Press.

- Joyce, Terry (2012). Some reflections on the relevance of word association data for vocabulary research. In M. Kamada, H. Cao, Takashi Utashiro, & T. Muraoka (Eds.) Nihongo gakushū shien no kochiku: Gengo kyoiku - Kopasu - Shisutemu kaihatsu [Architecture of Japanese language learning assistance: Langauge eduation, corpus, and system] (Festschrift for Prof. Kikuko Nishna on the occasion of her retirement). (pp. 139-156). Tokyo: Bonjinsha.

- Joyce, Terry. (2013). The significance of the morphographic principle for the classification of writing systems. In Susanne R. Borgwaldt & Terry Joyce (Eds.), Typology of writing systems (Benjamins Current Topics 51) (pp. 61-84). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

- Joyce, Terry, & Borgwaldt, Susanne R. (2013). Typology of writing systems: Introduction. In Susanne R. Borgwaldt & Terry Joyce (Eds.), Typology of writing systems (Benjamins Current Topics 51) (pp. 1-11). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

- Joyce, Terry. (2016). Writing systems and scripts. In Andrea Rocci & Louis de Saussure (Eds.), Verbal communication (Handbooks of Communication Science 3) (pp. 287-308). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2018). Introduction to the multi-script Japanese writing system and word processing. In Hye Pae (Ed.), Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition 7) (pp. 179-199). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

- Masuda, Hisashi, & Joyce, Terry. (2018). Constituent-priming investigations of the morphological activation of Japanese compound words. In Hye Pae (Ed.), Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition 7) (pp. 221-244). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/bpa.7.11mas

Papers |
- Joyce, Terry (1999). Lexical access and the mental lexicon for two-kanji compound words: A priming paradigm study. Unpublished master’s thesis. University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry. (1999). Lexical access and the mental lexicon for two-kanji compound words: A priming paradigm study. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Sciences and 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Joint Conference. 27-30 July., Tokyo, Japan, 511-514.

- Joyce, Terry, & Ohta, Nobuo. (1999). The morphology of two-kanji compound words: Data from a word-formation classification survey. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 22, 45-61.

- Joyce, Terry. (2002). Constituent-morpheme priming: Implications from the morphology of two-kanji compound words. Japanese Psychological Research, 44, 79-90.

- Joyce, Terry. (2002). The Japanese mental lexicon: The lexical retrieval and representation of two-kanji compound words from a morphological perspective. Unpublished doctoral thesis. University of Tsukuba, Japan.

- Joyce, Terry. (2002). Nihon ni ryūgaku shite: Moji taikei to shite no nihongo kanji no bunrui ni kansuru kenkyū [Studying in Japan: Research into the classification of Japanese kanji as a writing system]. Shinrigaku Wārudo, 16, 30.

- Joyce, Terry, & Ohta, Nobuo. (2002). Constituent morpheme frequency data for two-kanji compound words. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 24, 111-141.

- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Mapping word knowledge for basic Japanese vocabulary. Symposium on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2005). Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

- Joyce, Terry. (2006). Mapping word knowledge in Japanese: Constructing and utilizing a large-scale database of Japanese word associations. International Symposium on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2006). 1-3 March. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 155-158.

- Takano, Tomoko, Joyce, Terry, & Nishina, Kikuko. (2006). Bairingaru goi mappu o riyō shita rikei senmon goi gakushū [Scientific vocabulary learning with bilingual lexical maps]. The Journal of Japanese Language Education Methods, 13 (2), 8-9.
- Joyce, Terry. (2007). Mapping word knowledge in Japanese: Coding Japanese word associations. Symposium on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2007). pp. 233-238. 1-3 March, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

- Miyake, Maki, Joyce, Terry, Jung, Jaeyoung, & Akama, Hiroyuki. (2007). Hierarchical structure in semantic networks of Japanese word associations. 21st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC21). 1-3 November 2007, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. [Winner of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ‘Best Paper Award’]

- Takano, Tomoko, Joyce, Terry, & Nishina, Kikuko. (2007). Bairingaru goi mappu o riyō shita rikei senmon goi kakutoku shisutemu [Scientific vocabulary learning with bilingual lexical maps]. The Journal of Japanese Language Education Methods, 14(1), 46-47.
- Joyce, Terry. (2008). Daikibo Nihongo Rensōgo Dētabēsu no Kōchiku/ Riyō ni Yoru Goi Chishiki no Mappingu [Mapping lexical knowledge through the construction and application of a large-scale database of Japanese word associations]. Kenkyū Seika Hōkokusho [Research Report]. Heisei 18 Nendo - Heisei 19 Nendo Kagaku Kenkyūhi Hojokin (Kiso Kenkyū (C) [Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science for 2006-2008]. Kenkyū Bangō: 18500200 [Research project number: 18500200].

- Joyce, Terry, & Srdanovic, Irena. (2008). Comparing lexical relationships observed within Japanese collocation data and Japanese word association norms. Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-08) Workshop at the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 18-22 August, 2008. Manchester, England.

- Joyce, Terry. (2009). Tentative analysis of Japanese writing errors observed within responses collected for a word association survey. Tama University School of Global Studies Bulletin (Founding issue), 57-69.

- Joyce, Terry (2011). The significance of the morphographic principle for the classification of writing-systems [Typology of writing systems special issue edited by Susanne R. Borgwaldt and Terry Joyce]. Written Language & Literacy, 14, 1, 58-81. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.14.1.04joy

- Joyce, Terry & Borgwaldt, Susanne R. (2011). Typology of writing systems: Special issue introduction. [Special issue: Typology of writing systems, edited by Susanne R. Borgwaldt & Terry Joyce]. Written Language & Literacy, 14, 1, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.14.1.01joy

- Joyce, Terry, Hodošček, Bor, & Nishina, Kikuko. (2012). Orthographic representation and variation within the Japanese writing system: Some corpus-based observations [Special issue: Units of language - units of writing, edited by Terry Joyce and David Roberts], Written Language & Literacy, 15(2), 254-278. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.17.2.01joy

- Roberts, David, & Joyce, Terry (2012). Introduction to special issue on ‘Units of Language - Units of Writing’: A key relationship for writing systems research [Special issue: Units of language - units of writing, edited by Terry Joyce and David Roberts]. Written Language & Literacy, 15(2), 147-152, https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.15.2.01rob

- Joyce, Terry. (2014). [Book review: Richard Sproat, (2010), Language, technology and society]. Written Language and Literacy, 17(1), 165-167. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.17.1.08joy

- Joyce, Terry, & Hodošček, Bor. (2014). Constructing an ontology of Japanese lexical properties: Specifying its property structures and lexical entries. In Michael Zock, Reinhard Rapp, & Chu-Ren Huang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex4) (pp. 174-185). 23 August, 2014. Dublin, Ireland.

- Joyce, Terry, Masuda, Hisashi, & Ogawa, Taeko. (2014). Jōyō kanji as core building blocks of the Japanese writing system: Some observations from database construction [Special issue: The architecture of writing systems, edited by Kristian Berg, Franziska Buchmann & Nanna Fuhrhop]. Written Language and Literacy, 17(2); 173-194. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.17.2.01joy

- Joyce, Terry, Masuda, Hisashi, & Hodošček, Bor. (2016). Constructing a database of Japanese lexical properties: Outlining its basic framework and initial components. Tama University School of Global Studies Bulletin, 8, 35-60.

- Joyce, Terry, Hodošček, Bor, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2017). Constructing an ontology and database of Japanese lexical properties: Handling the orthographic complexity of the Japanese writing system [Special issue: Orthographic databases and lexicons, edited by Lynne Cahill & Terry Joyce]. Written Language and Literacy, 20(1), 27-51. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.20.1.03joy

- Cahill, Lynne, & Joyce, Terry. (2017). Orthographic databases and lexicons: Introduction to the special issue [Special issue: Orthographic databases and lexicons, edited by Lynne Cahill & Terry Joyce]. Written Language and Literacy, 20(1), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.201.1.cah

- Joyce, Terry, & Crellin, Robert. (2019). Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?): Special issue introduction. [Special issue: Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?), edited by Terry Joyce & Robert Crellin]. Written Language and Literacy, 22(2), 167-178. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.00024.joy
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2019). On the notions of graphematic representation and orthography from the perspective of the Japanese writing system. [Special issue: Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?), edited by Terry Joyce & Robert Crellin]. Written Language and Literacy, 22(2), 248-280. https://doi.org/10.1075/wll.00028.joy
Conferences |
- Joyce, Terry. (2001). Kanji niji jukugo no puraimingu: Kōzō yōso jōhō kurosu suririputo no teiji to kurosu modariti no teiji [Two-kanji compound word priming: Cross-script and cross-modality presentation of constituent information] Proceedings of the 65th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, 7-9 November, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, p. 218.

- Joyce, Terry. (2003). Frequency and verb-morphology effects for constituents of two-kanji compound words. Poster session presented at The 4th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory (Human Learning and Memory: Advanced in Theory and Application), 11-13 January, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry. (2003). Nihongo shinteki goi ni okeru tango nichi no mappingu [Mapping word knowledge for Japanese]. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, 27-29 June, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan. 170.

- Joyce, Terry. (2003c). Kanji niji jukugo ni okeru dōshi kōzō yōso no ichiteki hindo [Positional frequency of verbal constituents within two-kanji compound words]. Proceedings of the 67th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, 13-15 September 2003, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 590.

- Joyce, Terry. (2004). Native-Japanese compound words: Word-formation classification data. Poster session presented at The 5th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory (Dynamic Cognitive Processes), 13-15 March, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2004). Kōsei keitaiso toshite no kanji no tanjikan senkō teiji ga kanji niji jukugo no goihandan ni oyobosu puraiminngu kōka [Priming effects from brief presentations of constituent kanji on lexical decisions for two-kanji compound words]. Proceedings of the 68th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, 12-14 September 2004, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 613.

- Tokosumi, Akifumi, Matsumoto, Naoko, & Joyce, Terry. (2004). A feeling of aesthetic depth and a large-scale agent model of emotion. Abstracts of Fifth Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Emotion and Sensibility, Daejeon, Korea. p. 91.
- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Nihongo kihon tango ni taisuru rensōgo dētabēsu no sakusei [Building a word association database for basic Japanese vocabulary]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, 28-29 May, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, 70.

- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Daikibō rensōgo dētabēsu no kōchiku [Constructing a large-scale word association database]. Proceedings of the 69th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, 10-12 September, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 629.

- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2005). Brief-presentation constituent-morpheme priming effects on the processing of Japanese two-kanji compound words, Presentation given at The 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages (PCOEAL 2005), 9-11 December, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Joyce, Terry, Takano, Tomoko, & Nishina, Kikuko. (2006). Senmongo no gakushū hōhō to shite no bairingaru goi mappu [Bilingual lexical maps as a learning strategy for specialist vocabulary]. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. 201.

- Tokosumi, Akifumi, Joyce, Terry, Matsumoto, Naoko, Noda, Kohei, & Murai, Hajime. (2006). Cognitive principles for a sensibility-aesthetics ontology. International Symposium on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2006), pp. 21-22, 1-3 March, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- Tokosumi, Akifumi, Matsumoto, Naoko, Tomioka, Miho, Joyce, Terry, & Voss, Klaus. (2006). A sensibility-aesthetics ontology project: Words, concepts, and experiences. Proceedings of the 7th Korea-Japan International Symposium on Emotion & Sensibility (Kansei Engineering) organized by the Korean Society for Emotion & Sensibility (KOSES) and Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE), pp. 57-58, 19-20 May, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea.
- Joyce, Terry. (2007). Constructing a Japanese Word Association Database. The 9th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2007), pp. 111-114, 7-8 July, 2007. Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University (Sendai, Japan).

- Joyce, Terry. (2007). Rensōgo chōsa no hannō de kansatsu sareta kakimachigai no kentō [Study of the writing errors observed in responses to a word association survey]. 71th Annual Conference of Japanese Psychological Association. 18-20 September 2007, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 607.

- Joyce, Terry, & Miyake, Maki. (2007). Rensō nettowāku o gurafukurasutaringu hōhō ni yoru bunseki [Analysis of an association network using graph clustering method]. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. p.76, 26-27 May 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
- Miyake, Maki, & Joyce, Terry. (2007). Analysis of the semantic network structure of Japanese word associations. The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2007). p.22, 9-13 July 2007, Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo Japan.
- Miyake, Maki, & Joyce, Terry. (2007). Mapping out a semantic network of Japanese word associations through a combination of recurrent Markov clustering and modularity. The Third Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. 5-7 October 2007, Poznań, Poland.
- Joyce, Terry. (2008). The significance of the morphographic principle for the classification of writing systems. Typology of Writing Systems: Sixth International Workshop on Writing Systems. 18-19 September, 2008. Braunschweig, Germany.
- Joyce, Terry. (2008). Classifying the association relationships observed in the Japanese Word Association Database. Sixth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. 7-10 October, 2008. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2008). Employing the brief-presentation constituent-morpheme priming paradigm to examine the early activation of morphological information in the processing of Japanese two-kanji compound words. Sixth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. 7-10 October, 2008. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Akama, Hiroyuki, Jung, Jaeyoung, Joyce, Terry, & Miyake, Maki. (2008). Random graph model simulations of semantic networks for associative concept dictionaries. Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Porcessing (TextGraphs-3) Workshop at the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 18-22 August, 2008. Manchester, England.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2009). Morphological activiation of Sino-Japanese and Native-Japanese compound words, Presentation given at The 13th International Conference on Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL 2009). 9-11 October, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- Barile, Wendy, Maia, Marcus, Joyce, Terry, & Akama, Hiroyuki (2010). Semantic transparency and morphological decomposition in Japanese compound words with two characters. Poster presention at First International Psycholinguistics Meeting of Anpoll. 29 March - 2 April, 2010, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Joyce, Terry. Hodošček, Bor, & Nishina, Kikuko. (2010). Orthographic representation within the Japanese writing system. Presentation given at Units of Language - Units of Writing; 7th International Workshop on Writing Systems. Université Paris Descartes - Sorbonne, Paris, France, 30 September - 1 October, 2010.
- Joyce, Terry. (2012). Reimagining the potential of word association data: Thoughts from constructing the Japanese Word Association Database. Presentation given at 14th International Conference of the Processing of East Asian Languages. Nagoya University, Japan. 28-30 October 2012.
- Joyce, Terry, Masuda, Hisashi, & Ogawa, Taeko. (2012). Jōyō kanji: Recent revision, characteristics, and role as core component of the Japanese writing system. Presentation given at The Architecture of Writing Systems: 8th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy. Institut für Germanistik, Oldenburg, Germany, 4-5 October 2012.
- Masuda, Hisashi, Joyce, Terry, Ogawa, Taeko, Fujita, Chikako, & Kawakami, Masahiro. (2012). Kanji niji jukugo no imiteki tōmeisei no dētabēsu kōchiku ni mukete [Toward construction of semantic transparency database of two-kanji compound words]. Proceedings of the 76th Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association. 11-13 September, Senshū University, Tokyo, Japan.

- Masuda, Hisashi, Yi, Kwangoh, Joyce, Terry, Kawakami, Masahiro, Fujita, Chikako, Ogawa, Taeko, Lee, Hyewon, Park, Kwongsaeng, & Bae, Songbong. (2012). The mora length effect in Japanese kanji character recognition. Presentation given at 14th International Conference of the Processing of East Asian Languages. Nagoya University, Japan. 28-30 October 2012.
- Ogawa, Taeko, Fujita, Chikako, Joyce, Terry, Kawakami, Masahiro, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2012). Semantic similarities among radical-neighbors of kanji characters based on multi-dimensional scaling. Poster presentation given at 14th International Conference of the Processing of East Asian Languages. Nagoya University, Japan. 28-30 October 2012.
- Yi, Kwangoh, Masuda, Hisashi, Bae, Songbong, Lee, Hyewon, Park, Kwongsaeng, Fujita, Chikako, Joyce, Terry, Kawakami, Masahiro, & Ogawa, Taeko. (2012). The reverse length effect in Korean word recognition. Presentation given at 14th International Conference of the Processing of East Asian Languages. Nagoya University, Japan. 28-30 October 2012.
- Joyce, Terry & Masuda, Hisashi. (2013). Constituent-morpheme priming study of Sino-Japanese and Native-Japanese compound words. Presentation given at 8th International Morphological Processing Conference. Cambridge, UK. 20-22 June 2013.
- Masuda, Hisashi, Fujita, Chikako, Ogawa, Taeko, Joyce, Terry, & Kawakami, Masahiro. (2013). Kanji niji jukugo no imiteki tōmeisei ni kansuru chōsa [Survey concerning the semantic transparency of two-kanji compound words]. Presentation given at 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychonomic Soceity. Kanasawa Bunka Hōru, Kanagawa, Japan, 7-8 December 2013.
- Joyce, Terry, Hodošček, Bor, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2014). Constructing an ontology and database of Japanese lexical properties: Handling the orthographic complexity of the Japanese writing system. Oral presentation given at ‘Orthographic Databases and Lexicons’: 9th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy, 4-5 September, 2014. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
- Joyce, Terry, Hodošček, Bor, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2014). Quantitative study of 3- and 4-kanji Japanese compound words: Database extraction and automatic analysis of word structures. Oral presentation given at 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, 24-26 October, 2014. Korean University, Seoul, Korea.
- Masuda, Hisashi, Joyce, Terry, Ogawa, Taeko, Kawakami, Masahiro, & Fujita, Chikako. (2014). A database of semantic transparency ratings for two-kanji Japanese compound words. Poster presentation given at ‘Orthographic Databases and Lexicons’: 9th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy, 4-5 September, 2014. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
- Yi, Kwangoh, Masuda, Hisashi, Bae, Sungbong, Lee, Hyewon, Park, Kwonsaeng, Lee, Jaeseong, Fujita, Chikako, Joyce, Terry, Kawakami, Masahiro, & Ogawa, Taeko. (2014). The word length effect in Korean word recognition. Oral presentation given at 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, 24-26 October, 2014. Korean University, Seoul, Korea.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2016). Just mixed up or a pretty neat idea? Some reflections on the multi-script nature of the Japanese writing system. Oral presentation given at ‘Understanding writing systems: From core issues to implications for written language acquisition’: 10th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, 12-13 May, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2017). Japanese: Its multi-script nature and implications for word processing. Oral presentation given as part of the “AWLL11 Asian writing systems symposium: Proximity and distance. Focusing on the Chinese, Japanese and Korean writing systems” held during the ‘Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?)’: 11th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, 29-31 August 2017, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry, & Masuda, Hisashi. (2017b). From conventional to non-conventional forms of Japanese orthographic representation. Oral presentation given as the ‘Writing systems: Past, present (... and future?)’: 11th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, 29-31 August 2017, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
- Joyce, Terry. (2019). The significance of the partial versus full writing dichotomy for the typology of writing systems. Oral presentation given as the ‘Diversity of writing systems: Embracing multiple perspectives’: 12th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, 26-28 March 2019, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, UK
- Masuda, Hisashi, & Joyce, Terry. (2019). A database of three-kanji compound words in Japanese, with particular focus on their morphological structures. Poster presentation given as the ‘Diversity of writing systems: Embracing multiple perspectives’: 12th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, 26-28 March 2019, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, UK
Symposiums, colloquiums and invited talks |
- Joyce, Terry. (2002). Nihongo shinteki goi ni okeru kanji niji jukugo: Keitaisoron no shiten kara [Two-kanji compound words in the Japanese mental lexicon: From a morphological perspective]. Presentation given at Research meeting of the Informatics Reanalysis of Rhetoric Research Group. 17, November, 2002, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
- Joyce, Terry. (2003). Psycholingustic approach to two-kanji compound words in the Japanese mental lexicon. Presentation given at ILCAA Linguistics Seminar. 24, October, 2003. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
- Joyce, Terry. (2004). Psycholingustic approach to two-kanji compound words in the Japanese mental lexicon. Presentation given at the Valdes Cognitive Science Open Discussion Series. 23, April, 2004. Department of Value and Decision Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
- Joyce, Terry. (2005). Two-kanji compound words in the Japanese mental lexicon. Invited presentation given at the The 6th International Forum on Language, Brain, and Cognition (Cognitive Psychology of East Asian Languages: Cognitive Studies and their Application to Second Language Acquisition). 3-4 December, 2005. Strategic Research and Education Center for an Integrated Approach to Language, Brain and Cognition, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

- Joyce, Terry. (2006). Nihongo ni okeru goi chishiki no mappungu-Daikibo nihongo rensōgo dētabēsu no kōchiku to riyō [Mapping word knowledge in Japanese: Constructing and utilizing a large-scale database of Japanese word associations]. Presentation given at the Gengo ninchi kenkyū saikō--Shinrigaku no shiten kara miru [Reconsidering cognitive linguistics: From a psychological perspective] workshop (WS101). 3-5, November. 70th Annual Conference of Japanese Psychological Association.
- Joyce, Terry. (2008). Construction of the Japanese word association database: Graph analyses of initial JWAD network representation. Invited presentation given at The 24th Research Meeting of the Japanese Classification Society. 21-22 March, (pp. 4-1-10), Renaissance Center, Tama University, Shinagawa, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry (2009). Issues and themes within cognitive research on the Japanese mental lexicon. Invited presentation given at the First Workshop of the ‘Anthropological Universals - Cultural Differences: Comparative research on differences in processing alphabetic words and Japanese Kanji’ Interdisciplinary Research Project. 9-10, March 2009. RWTH Aachen, Germany.
- Joyce, Terry (2010). Japanese words: Some observations from constructing the Japanese Word Association Database. Invited presentation given at Workshop of the ‘Anthropological Universals - Cultural Differences: Comparative research on differences in processing alphabetic words and Japanese Kanji’ Interdisciplinary Research Project. 22-23, July, 2010. RWTH Aachen, Germany.
- Joyce, Terry. (2011). A series of priming studies on two-kanji compound words withinthe Japanese mental lexicon. Invited presentation at Department of Psychology, Yeugnnam University, Korea, 8, September, 2011.
- Joyce, Terry (2011). Nihongo no rensōgo nettowāku kara mita gengoshinrigakuteki apurōchi [Psycholinguistic approach from the perspectives of a Japanese associative network] . Invited presentation given at Hito no goi shisutemu kenkyū no tamenteki apurōchi (2)-Imi no kōdingu wo kangaeru [Diverse approaches to research of the human lexical system: Reflecting on semantic coding] workshop (WS066) organized by Naoko Sakuma at the 75th Annual Conference of Japanese Psychological Association, 16, September, 2011.
- Joyce, Terry. (2013). Constituent-morpheme priming data and Japanese lemma-unit model. Invited presentation for Korean Lexicon Project. 22 March 2013. Korea Univerity, Seoul, Korea.
- Joyce, Terry. (2013). Japanese Word Association Database (JWAD): Some thoughts from construction and initial explorations of applications. Invited presentation for Korean Lexicon Project. 23 March 2013. Korea Univerity, Seoul, Korea.
- Joyce, Terry. (2013). Constituent-morpheme priming studies investigating two-kanji compound words within the Japanese mental lexicon. Presentation given at 2013 spring semester LCJ-SGS joint PD workshop. 13 June 2013. Lakeland College Japan, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
- Joyce, Terry. (2014). Constructing an ontology-based lexical database of Japanese lexical properties. Invited talk at ‘Contributions of large-scale lexical databases to psycholinguistic research’ Symposium of 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, 24-26 October, 2014. Korean University, Seoul, Korea
- Joyce, Terry. (2016). Nihongo shinteki goi ni okeru kanji niji jukugo. Presentation given for the Tama daigaku gurōbaru sutadĪzu gakubu/Fujisawa-shi dai-nana-kai shimin kōza gurōbaruka-suru shakai ni okeru chiiki kōken katsudō, Tama University, School of Global Studies, Fujisawa. 17 September 2016
- Joyce, Terry. (2019). Overviews of the Japanese writing system and constituent-morpheme priming studies of Japanese compound words. Invited seminar presentation given at Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France. 22 March 2019