Online Research Bibliography of Written Language and Literacy (ORBWLL)
Version 12 [20240219]: 10,741 entries; 79,713 citations; 4,500 source bibliographies
PDF format [All 10,741 entries (without Cited by information)] PDF
PDF format [Top 209 most-cited (38+ citations (without Cited by information))] PDF
Online* [A-Z lists (+ Cited by information) plus search] ACCESS
NB: Online access currently for Version 11 [20220320] with 9,300 entries; 67,238 citations; 3,750 source bibliographies.
Brief explanation
In terms of its scope, ORBWLL aspires to be as inclusive as possible. Reflecting the diverse perspectives that help to inform our understandings of scripts and writing systems, ORBWLL seeks to be interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on a range of domains, such as diachronic studies (epigraphy, palaeography), linguistic approaches (relationships to language and speech, typology of writing system), sociolinguistic considerations (spelling, script reforms), pedagogical questions (learning to read, phonological awareness), psycholinguistic investigations (visual word recognition, dyslexia), to technological matters (character encodings, fonts) ..... as well as their related issues and concerns.
Based on 4,500 source bibliographies (increased from 3,750 of V11), Version 12 consists of 10,741 entries (up from 9,300), together with 79,713 citations to those entries (up from 67,238). The source bibliographies continue to be selected based on their status as authoratitive works and/or on their inclusion within a selection of prestigious academic journals dedicated to scripts, reading, written language and literacy issues. The other 6,241 entries are works that are consistently cited by a certain number of the sources, indicating their relevance and importance for written language and literacy research.
Moreover, based on all 4,500 sources processed to date, the full ORBWLL database currently consists of 149,218 separate entries for which there are approximately 255,675 citations in total. The next version update will take place once 6,000 source bibliographies have been processed, whenever that may be ....
ORBWLL is being compiled solely by Terry Joyce. It is included within the AWLL website (with kind approval of AWLL board) to help reach a wider community of potential users. However, AWLL is not responsible for any errors that may exist in the bibliographic information; that responsibility rests entirely with the compiler who sincerely asks to be informed of any inaccuracies, if discovered, so that they can be corrected. Recommendations for further citations to include would also be most welcome.
A fuller description of ORBWLL and its ongoing development is available here.

[Updated 20240307]
© 2024 Association for Written Language and Literacy (AWLL)