13th AWLL international workshop on writing systems and literacy
Theme:On the systematic nature of writing systems
Dates:21-23 October 2021
Venue:Online (University of North Carolina, USA)
Invited speakers:Peter T. Daniels, Min Wang
Local organizers:David Mora-Marín
Programme committee:Lynne Cahill, Terry Joyce, David Mora-Marín, Dorit Ravid
Related materials: Programme+Abstracts [PDF];
Programme outline [link to lower section with presentation PDFs + recordings];
AWLL13 screenshots [link to lower section];

Programme outline [with presentation readings + PDFs]
Day 1 oral session 1
Sven Osterkamp & Gordian Schreiber | A proposal for a formalized, expandable approach to the taxonomy of writing systems Recording
Arvind Iyengar | Somewhere I belong: Non-abugidic alphasyllabaries, non-alphasyllabic abugidas and their typological classification Recording
Dimitrios Meletis | Graphotactics, spatiality, and why writing should be studied independently from speech Recording
Day 1 oral session 2
Mike Cahill | Usability is not enough: The criticality of sociolinguistic factors in the establishment of new orthographies Recording
Leila Schroeder | Bridging an orthography chasm Recording
Amalia Gnanadesikan | Segments and Syllables in Thaana and Hangul: Comparing literate native-speaker inventions Recording
Robert J. Fouser | Searching for the perfect writing system: 20th century Hangeul reform proposals Recording
Day 1 keynote
Peter T. Daniels | When is non-writing writing? or, when is writing non-writing? Recording
PDF Handout

Day 2 symposium: Writing systems of the Americas
Michael Carrasco & Joshua Englehardt | Enduring literacies: The emergence and maturation of writing systems in Ancient Mesoamerica Recording
Tomi S. Melka & Robert M. Schoch | T'oqapu patterns on Inqa textiles and other media: Do they constitute a writing system? Recording
John W. Adams† | Notes on Gitksan crests, potlatching, and law [† presented by Alice B. Kasakoff; Bill Proudfit; John Justeson] Recording
David Mora-Marín | A survey of systematic spelling practices and conventions in Mayan writing Recording
Day 2 oral session 3
Dorit Ravid & Rachel Schiff | Hebrew affix spelling in children with developmental dyslexia Recording
Martin Neef | On hidden reforms of the German official orthography Recording
Lynne Cahill | A corpus analysis of the spread of standardised spelling in Middle English Recording
Day 2 oral session 4
Martin Uildriks | A world-altering technology: Script development in Predynastic Upper Egypt Recording
Rosso Manuel Senesi | Latin <X>: seeing double Recording
Corinna Salomon | Alphabet systemisation in North Italic writing cultures Recording

Day 3 keynote
Min Wang | Phonology beyond phoneme: Contribution of suprasegmental information to reading Recording
Day 3 oral session 5
Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz, & Richard Shillcock | Quantifying sound-graphic systematicity and application on multiple phonographs Recording
Keisuke Honda | Types of ‘logography’ in the Japanese writing system Recording
Terry Joyce & Hisashi Masuda | Systematic chaos or chaotic systems? Some ponderings on the complexity of the Japanese writing system Recording
Day 3 poster session
Brian P. Bennett | The impact of Unicode: The case of Church Slavonic Recording
John A. Bundschuh | Predicate marking strategies in early Japanese vernacular glossing: A preliminary study Recording
Kevin Heffernan & Yo Sato | Predictors of script choice in Japanese: A data-driven study Recording
Eleonora Selvi | A story without an end. The never reached systematization of the Pamphylian alphabet Recording
Constanze Weth | Syntactic markers - a systematic category in writing systems Recording

AWLL13 screenshots
2021 presenters
AWLL13 presenters
Day 1 presentations
D1B1O1 D1B1O2
Day 1 oral session 1 | Sven Osterkamp & Gordian Schreiber Day 1 oral session 1 | Arvind Iyengar
D1B1O3 D1B2O1
Day 1 oral session 1 | Dimitrios Meletis Day 1 oral session 2 | Mike Cahill
D1B2O2 D1B2O3
Day 1 oral session 2 | Leila Schroeder Day 1 oral session 2 | Amalia Gnanadesikan
D1B2O4 D1B3I1
Day 1 oral session 2 | Robert J. Fouser Day 1 keynote 1 | Peter T. Daniels
Day 2 presentations
D2B4S1 D2B4S2
Day 2 symposium | Michael Carrasco & Joshua Englehardt Day 2 symposium | Tomi S. Melka & Robert M. Schoch
D2B4S3 D2B4S4
Day 2 symposium | John W. Adams† Day 2 symposium | David Mora-Marín
D2B5O1 D2B5O2
Day 2 oral session 3 | Dorit Ravid & Rachel Schiff Day 2 oral session 3 | Martin Neef
D2B5O1 D2B6O1
Day 2 oral session 3 | Lynne Cahill Day 2 oral session 4 | Martin Uildriks
D2B6O2 D2B6O3
Day 2 oral session 4 | Rosso Manuel Senesi Day 2 oral session 4 | Corinna Salomon
Day 3 presentations
D3B7I2 D3B8O1
Day 3 keynote 2 | Min Wang Day 3 oral session 4 | Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz, & Richard Shillcock
D3B8O2 D3B8O3
Day 3 oral session 5 | Keisuke Honda Day 3 oral session 5 | Terry Joyce & Hisashi Masuda
D3B9P1 D3B9P2
Day 3 poster session | Brian P. Bennett Day 3 poster session | John A. Bundschuh
D3B9P3 D3B9P4
Day 3 poster session | Kevin Heffernan & Yo Sato Day 3 poster session | Eleonora Selvi
Day 3 poster session | Constanze Weth

[Updated 20240215]
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